by Lyndi Zembrodt
Executive Director

We rejoice that abortion on demand is no longer available in Kentucky. Unfortunately, most women who experience unintended pregnancy are still seeking abortion services. Many travel out of state while others find ways to obtain abortion pills online. We strive to reach these women with life-affirming services before they have an abortion.

I would like first to thank you for your faithful prayer and financial support. You have allowed Care Net to excel in changing and saving lives this year! As of August 30, we report a 59% increase in abortion-minded women choosing Care Net medical services for pregnancy testing. We also report a 61% increase in abortion-minded women choosing to have an ultrasound to confirm their pregnancy. To date we are happy to report that 1,438 babies have been given life after their mothers saw them on ultrasound!

Since the ruling on the Dobbs case, we have new challenges to overcome to reach women most vulnerable to abortion. Advertising is now rocky terrain for pregnancy resource centers, as online advertising and Google My Business have added restrictions that purposely limit our ability to attract women seeking abortion. Women are rushing to obtain abortion pills, which must be used very early in pregnancy. We have responded by carefully crafting our advertising strategy and expanding our medical services to meet women in their time of need, resulting in our greatest year of saving lives thus far!

We also report a 33% increase in mentoring program enrollment. We anticipate and plan for great growth in parenting support services post-Roe. Churches and individuals have been made aware of the increased need to offer additional support to women and men as they navigate an unintended pregnancy and parenting. We are currently collaborating with churches to engage our clients and introduce them to the church.

The post-Roe atmosphere has had an impact on our financial budget as well. Among necessary adjustments are increased security monitoring and intensive training for our nurses. Because of these and other increased expenditures, we also have an increased need for financial support to excel in our mission to save lives.

Together with you who support this ministry, we create a culture of life as we educate, support, and empower men and women before, during and after an unplanned pregnancy. Thank you for being a vested partner with us for life.