Spring Appeal

Help us change storms to showers of blessing

A woman who learns she’s pregnant—and didn’t plan to be—can face a storm. Her own emotions and especially pressure from others can drown her.*

With love and truth, Care Net calms those storms into gentle showers of blessing. We give each woman time and a safe place to understand the reality of life. We offer her support and resources because the life of a child and her own wellbeing are at stake.

Like Suzi (not her real name). She was afraid to tell her parents she was pregnant. At 19, her boyfriend couldn’t imagine being a dad. Suzi came to Care Net for a free ultrasound but didn’t want to hear more. She just wanted the abortion pill. She had an appointment at Planned Parenthood.

But our advocates kept in touch, and with time to think, Suzi decided to give her baby life. She and her boyfriend are now enrolled in our parenting classes.

Please help Care Net change destructive storms to life-affirming showers for women like Suzi. Your gift not only will help save the lives of babies waiting to be born but also spare their moms and dads the deep regret of abortion. Scroll down to make an online donation to our Spring Appeal.

*60% of women who had an abortion faced “high levels of pressure to abort.” Read the study.

Care Net McKinley Family Center

McKinley Family Center

Care Net Cold Spring

Cold Spring Center

Williamstown Barnes Road

Williamstown Center

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