Care Net 24/7 Helpline
(859) 282-9878
Care Net Client Services
Upside Down Love: Meeting God through His Word
Learn what makes the Bible unique, what it tells us about ourselves and God, and why it matters today.
- God’s forgiveness is infinite and all-encompassing.
- Only God can change your heart.
- Humility is not a matter of “arriving” spiritually but a day-by-day, moment-by-moment walk with Christ.
Offering our Worst to God
Learn why God wants us to offer Him our worst—our hurts, anger, failures, messes—so His forgiveness can transform and free us.
The Painful Truth and Forgiveness
Understand how being honest with ourselves and with God leads to freedom and strength.
From Sinner to Saint
Learn to let go of trying to “be spiritual” and “good enough” and discover the unique person God values and loves.
Gaining Victory
Understand that letting go—surrendering to God’s will and love—is not a quick fix but a way of life.Surrendering our Weakness
Surrendering Our Weakness
Understand how seeing ourselves as we truly are leads us to rely confidently on God for strength and wisdom.
The Truth Shall Set You Free
Understand that faith and freedom grow not from focusing on self—self-help, self-actualization, self-condemnation—but from surrendering self in humility to God.
“Finally, I confessed all my sins to you and stopped trying to hide my guilt. I said to myself, ‘I will confess my rebellion to the Lord.’ And you forgave me! All my guilt is gone.” (Psalm 32:5)
If you need them, you will receive a dozen diapers for each session you complete. Those who complete the class receive a Bible and passes to the Creation Museum for your immediate family.
To enroll in this class and learn about other classes, call (859) 781-9878.
You will never be alone.
Care Net is privileged to offer free, confidential services to you during and after your pregnancy. We also offer gently used maternity and baby clothes to size 2T and other baby care items as well as classes to help you build healthy relationships and manage challenges of everyday living. We also can direct you to other community resources.
McKinley Family Center
7129 Price Pike
Florence, KY 41042
Office: 859-282-0029
Client: 859-282-9878
Fax: 859-534-2040
Cold Spring Center
3700 Alexandria Pike
Cold Springs, KY 41076
Office: 859-781-0043
Client: 859-781-9878
Fax: 859-781-0096
Williamstown Center
103 Barnes Rd, Ste E
Williamstown, KY 41097
Office: 859-824-0123
Client: 859-824-0123
Fax: 859-824-1487