Client Programs
Programas para clientes en español.
Please note: in addition to incentives shown for each program, clients earn a dozen diapers, if needed, for each lesson completed.
Earn While You Learn
A prenatal and newborn care program for pregnant clients or clients with an infant under 9 months old. Incentives: a new infant car seat after 10 lessons are completed ($59 value), and a new crib after 20 lessons are completed ($120 value). For each additional 10 lessons completed, clients receive incentives valued at $50. Available in English and Spanish.
BrightBirth Labor & Delivery
Offered to women in the third trimester. A seven-part childbirth class to help parents navigate the birth plan they choose. Lessons cover how the body is designed to give birth and provide a comprehensive understanding of the childbirth experience. Incentive for completion of all seven lessons: a yoga ball ($25 value). Open to men and women. (BrightCourse)
Breastfeeding Basics
This program educates parents on the short- and long-term benefits of breastfeeding and supports new parents in their efforts to make breastfeeding a priority. The program is overseen by a retired labor and delivery registered nurse. Incentive for completion of all five lessons: breastfeeding gift pack ($25 value). Available in English and Spanish.
This program pairs male clients with male mentors. They meet together as a group or one-on-one to develop attitudes, knowledge and skills needed to become great fathers. Available in English and Spanish.
1) Fatherhood: ages preborn to nine months. Combines safety lessons from Earn While You Learn and lessons from Being a Father. Incentives: for completion of 10 lessons, a new car seat ($59 value); and for completion of 20 lessons, a new crib ($120 value).
2) Being a Father: ages nine months to 12 years. Easy to follow but important lessons that help a man understand the tasks involved in becoming a great father. Incentive for completion of all 10 lessons: an additional item valued at $50.
This program is ideal for parents with children nine months to three years of age who want to explore their baby’s development into toddlerhood. This 15-lesson program enables parents of toddlers to better understand age-appropriate development from 12 to 36 months, discipline, health and safety and challenges of toddlerhood such as tantrums, bedtime struggles and competing for attention. Incentive for completion of all 15 lessons: a toddler car seat ($59 value). Open to women and men and available in English and Spanish.
1-2-3 Magic Parenting
For parents or guardians with children two to 12 years of age. This program focuses on discipline that teaches limits with love. Dr. Phelan’s fun and logical approach to parenting creates an environment where discipline is easy and quick and leaves time for parents to enjoy their children. Incentives for completion of 13 lessons: the book 1-2-3 Magic and a time-out timer and chair cover. Open to men and women and available in English and Spanish.
Toddler and 1-2-3- Magic
Combines the disciplinary lessons of 1-2-3 Magic with the safety lessons of the Toddler Program. Ideal for clients with children two to four years of age. Incentives for completion of the combined program: a new toddler car seat ($59 value), the book 1-2-3 Magic and time-out timer and chair cover. Open to men and women and available in English and Spanish.
Surviving Your Adolescents
This program is designed for parents of adolescents 13 to 18 years of age. The DVD-based program offers a step-by-step approach and concrete solutions that help parents end the hassles of parenting teens. Incentives for completion of all five lessons: $20 gas card and the book 1-2-3 Magic Teen. Open to men and women.
Looking at Open Adoption (Do You See Her?)
Open to anyone considering placing a child for adoption. For every child placed for adoption, 37 families are waiting to adopt a baby. This program defines open adoption and helps a client understand it as a viable option and create an adoption plan with which she is comfortable. Incentive for completion of all nine lessons: $50 gas card.
One Heart, Two Homes
This program offers separate lessons for single parents, stepparents and grandparents coping with the challenges of co-parenting in two homes. Lessons can be offered as a complete program or added to other programs as needed. Incentive for completion of all 10 lessons: $50 gas card. Open to men and women and available in English and Spanish.
Single Parenting That Works
This video series is older, but the content is still relevant for today’s single parents. It is a spiritual program that discusses the 6 keys to raising happy, healthy children in a single-parent home. Incentive for completion of all nine lessons: $30 gas card.
Being a parent is a tough job. This program is divided into five different lesson plans that approach the subject with empathy and practical advice, including spiritual and nonspiritual lessons. Special lessons on ADD/ADHD, child anger, autism, strong-willed children and other challenges are available. Open to men and women. Eight different programs, with gas-card incentives valued from $25 to $45.
1) Creating Character Skills in Your Children: helps create motivation, honesty, courage, kindness and confidence in your children. Incentive for completion of all six lessons: $30 gas card.
2) Have a New Kid by Friday: spiritually based program taught by Dr. Kevin Leman to change your child’s behavior, attitude and character in five days. For parents who want a home where all family members respect one another. Incentive for completion of all seven lessons: $35 gas card.
3) Magic Words: from hurtful words to magic words, silent words to no words, learn how to navigate parenting with the words you speak to your children; a spiritually based program. Incentive for completion of all five lessons: $25 gas card.
4) Parenting Without Shame: spiritually based program to improve your relationship with your children, shift how you parent, or be more at peace with the parenting journey. Incentive for completion of all nine lessons: $45 gas card.
5) Running the Rapids: Christian-based program for parents of teens. Facilitated by Dr. Kevin Leman, the program is designed to help parents guide teens through the turbulent waters of adolescence. Incentive for completion of all six lessons: $30 gas card.
6) Single Parenting That Works: an older but still relevant video for today’s single parents. A spiritually based program that discusses the six keys to raising happy, healthy children in a single parent home. Incentive for completion of all nine lessons: $45 gas card.
7) Value-Packed Parenting: spiritually based program taught by Dr. Kevin Leman helps parents raise rock-solid children in a pleasure-driven world. It’s never too late to become a better parent. Incentive for completion of all eight lessons: $40 gas card.
Life Skills
This program teaches important skills that help men and women navigate everyday life. Lessons cover budgeting, money management, checking accounts, shopping for a car and many other topics. Incentive for completion of any 10 lessons: $50 gas card. Open to men and women and available in English and Spanish.
Special Circumstances: Sex Trafficking, Damaging Behaviors, Domestic Violence, Trauma
1) Domestic Violence: a spiritually based program for women by Abuse Recovery Ministry Service (ARMS) to help clients recognize domestic violence, start healing and more. Incentive for completion of six lessons: $30 gas card. Open to men and women.
2) OnWatch Sex: Trafficking: survivor-led training to empower you to spot, report and prevent sex trafficking where you live, work and play. Through true survivor experiences, experts explain key indicators of trafficking and how you can support a survivor’s path to freedom. Incentives for completion of 14 lessons: $50 gas card. Open to men and women.
3) Unraveled Roots: Exposing the Hidden Causes of Damaging Behaviors: today’s damaging behaviors and choices are often tied to yesterday’s childhood pain and other traumas that lie beneath the surface. This program helps individuals recognize and heal such issues and create patterns and awareness to make better decisions for healthier future relationships. Incentive for completion of six lessons: $30 gas card.
4) Unraveled Roots for Men: explores the topics Why Am I Here?, The Root of Abandonment, The Root of Addiction, Abuse and Codependency and Where Do We Go From Here? Incentives for completion of six lessons: $30 gas card.
5) Understanding Trauma: a spiritual program that helps individuals understand the role of trauma in their lives and how to navigate daily life post-trauma through self-care. Clients learn to name the trauma, identify triggers and find a path to healing. Incentive for completion of six lessons: $30 gas card. Open to men and women.
6) Special Circumstance Individual Lessons: great lessons to add to other programs as needed for healing or to help the client understand where she/he is in her/his journey and move forward with other offered programs: Healing from Abuse, Post-Abortion Healing, Domestic Family Violence, Pregnancy Loss, and Child Abuse and Neglect. Open to men and women.
Positive Partnerships
Positive Partnership programs discuss healthy boundaries, cohabitation, single parenting and making the most of marriage. Open to men and women.
1) Bringing Peace and Harmony to the Blended Family: learn to navigate blended family challenges with faith. Incentives for completion of all seven lessons: $30 gift certificate compliments of Texas Roadhouse.
2) Making the Most of Marriage: being married takes work; living together brings even more challenges. This program works through the nuances of relationship and points to healthy marriages. Incentive for completion of all seven lessons: $30 gift certificate compliments of Texas Roadhouse.
3-4) Positive Partnerships for Women and Positive Partnships for Men: this program has separate modules for men and women that explore what it takes to foster and nurture a healthy relationship. Incentive for completion of all five lessons: $25 gift certificate compliments of Texas Roadhouse.
Take Control of Your Fertility
Four-lesson program helps women capture God’s vision for appreciating the gift of fertility and its importance in achieving true reproductive health. Incentives for completion of the program: a $20 gas card and daily devotional book.
Great Relationships
This series includes six separate programs recommended according to the client’s age, sexual experience and faith experience.
1) The Whole Sex Talk: a biblically-based proram that empowers parents to have healthy, ongoing, age-appropriate conversations with their children about sex, love and relationships. Incentive for completing all six lessons: $30 gas card.
2) Love Lessons: challenges what you think about sex, STDs and sexual health and covers matters of the heart, setting boundaries, building integrity and protecting oneself from harm by waiting for the right relationship. The program promotes abstinence and is geared to female teens. Those who commit to abstinence receive a sterling silver Promise Ring and a hardcover Bible. ($60 value).
3) The Heart of the Matter: examines the universal desire for sex and its motivations, how sex can dramatically change life for the better or worse and how it affects us physically, emotionally and spiritually on levels researchers have barely begun to understand. Spiritually based, geared to teens and young adults of both sexes. Incentive for completion of all five lessons: $25 gas card.
Bible Study
This Bible study offers six, seven or 13 lessons designed to help women heal wounds of the past and the shame they sometimes carry as a result. Incentive for completion of one of four programs: hardcover Bible. Incentive for completion of 10 lessons or more: two adult passes to the Creation Museum, compliments of the Creation Museum. Open to men and women.
1) Giving God Your Worst: learn why God wants us to offer Him our worst—hurts, anger, failures, messes—so His forgiveness can transform and free us. Understand how being honest with ourselves and with God leads to freedom, strength, victory and truth. Six lessons.
2) Upside Down Love: learn why the Bible is “God’s Word.” Understand what it means to be a Christian and how to grow to maturity. Learn about the grace and forgiveness that allows us to let go of the past and embrace the future. Seven lessons.
3) Unlocking the Gospel: understand how precious you are to God and how your identity in Him will change your life. Learn the joy of surrendering to God’s love and plan for your unique life. Three lessons.
4) Disciple: Your Unwritten Autobiography: grasp how God’s grace and power in your life will help you stand strong when life turns difficult. Learn to trust the truth of God’s love and strength—no matter what your emotions tell you. Ten lessons.
Post-Abortion Healing
Post-abortion healing programs help men and women heal after an abortion experience. Spiritually based and nonspiritually based programs are available. For more information, email Director of Client Services Tara Rapp or contact the center director at one of our three locations. Opw to women and men.
1) Project Hope: an eight-week, spiritually based program for men and/or women who seek to recover from their abortion experience. The program focuses on processing emotions, thoughts and feelings to find closure, hope and healing through God’s love.
2) Keys to Hope and Healing: a program for non-spiritual men and women who seek to recover from an abortion experience, focusing on processing emotions, thoughts and feelings to find closure.
Customized Lesson Plan
Combine multiple program lessons to suit a client’s individual needs. Plans must contain age-appropriate and safety lessons and be approved by the center director and center assistant. Incentives vary. Some programs available in Spanish.

McKinley Family Center
7129 Price Pike
Florence, KY 41042
Office: 859-282-0029
Client: 859-282-9878
Fax: 859-534-2040

Cold Spring Center
3700 Alexandria Pike
Cold Springs, KY 41076
Office: 859-781-0043
Client: 859-781-9878
Fax: 859-781-0096

Williamstown Center
103 Barnes Rd, Ste E
Williamstown, KY 41097
Office: 859-824-0123
Client: 859-824-0123
Fax: 859-824-1487