Baby Bottle Campaign

Care Net honors the value of human life, made in the image of God. Our ministry is dedicated to helping moms and dads choose life, but our support doesn’t end with birth. We offer 40 programs that help them learn skills to be confident parents and build healthy relationships. We provide a wide range of material goods as well as referrals to other community resources.
Our Sanctity of Human Life Bottle Campaign focuses on the sanctity and uniqueness of each human life.
Baby Bottle Campaigns are a creative way to educate your congregation, group or family about pro-life efforts and the inherent value of life.
It’s fun and easy! Care Net will deliver as many baby bottles as you need. You fill them with coins, bills, even checks. We’ll pick them up when your campaign ends.
Or make a secure donation below. To connect your online gift to your church or group, choose the name from the list. If your church or group isn’t listed, follow the prompts to add it..
We offer three Baby Bottle Campaigns each year: Sanctity of Human Life Month (January-February); Mother’s Day/Father’s Day (May-June); and Respect Life Month (October). To involve your church or group, email Kim Lampe or call (859) 431-9178, ext. 2640.

McKinley Family Center
7129 Price Pike
Florence, KY 41042
Office: 859-282-0029
Client: 859-282-9878
Fax: 859-534-2040

Cold Spring Center
3700 Alexandria Pike
Cold Springs, KY 41076
Office: 859-781-0043
Client: 859-781-9878
Fax: 859-781-0096

Williamstown Center
103 Barnes Rd, Ste E
Williamstown, KY 41097
Office: 859-824-0123
Client: 859-824-0123
Fax: 859-824-1487