Pro-Life Ministry Ideas
Care Net meets the immediate needs of women and couples facing unplanned pregnancy, and we often extend our care through parenting classes. But we can’t be the church. We aren’t that unique community that offers long term emotional support and spiritual guidance. Only the church can do that.
Did you know more than half of abortion-seeking women identify as Christians? To be the Body of Christ in the battle for life, consider creating a team to lead your pro-life efforts. These ideas will get you started:
- Minister to single moms: Bible studies, handyman help, babysitting, emergency financial help, etc.
- Invite young dads to your men’s Bible studies and outings.
- Pair your members with our clients to welcome them and help them fit in.
- Volunteer as advocates and mentors at one of our centers (men needed too).
- Invite organizations to speak to your church about adopting and fostering children.
- Invite pro-life speakers to speak to your congregation. We’d be honored to visit your church!
- Pray for our staff and all staff at pregnancy resource centers every day at noon.
- Sign up at Life Prayer Partner to receive prayer requests by text at the moment our advocates are with clients. Use our monthly prayer calendar to pray for Care Net.
- Participate in one of our three annual Baby Bottle Campaigns and other fundraisers. Hold a diaper drive. (We distribute more than 40,000 diapers a year!)
Please take a quick survey to tell us about ministries your church offers that promote life and help women and couples grow spiritually and as parents.

McKinley Family Center
7129 Price Pike
Florence, KY 41042
Office: 859-282-0029
Client: 859-282-9878
Fax: 859-534-2040

Cold Spring Center
3700 Alexandria Pike
Cold Springs, KY 41076
Office: 859-781-0043
Client: 859-781-9878
Fax: 859-781-0096

Williamstown Center
103 Barnes Rd, Ste E
Williamstown, KY 41097
Office: 859-824-0123
Client: 859-824-0123
Fax: 859-824-1487