Volunteer Survey

Thank you for being a volunteer at Care Net. We appreciate your gift of time, care and love to this ministry. We would like your valuable feedback about your experience. Please choose the response that best expresses your experience as a volunteer.

Volunteer Survey
1) Training you received
2) Opportunities to use your abilities and skills
3) Opportunities to do challenging, interesting work
4) Your workload
5) Recognition for your work
6) Amount of responsibility you were given
7) Information you received on center policies
8) Physical working conditions
9) How we use your time
10) Supervision by center staff
11) Confidence in the cleanliness of your center
12) How staff and other volunteers communicate
13) Cooperation among staff and other volunteers
14) Staff's openness to new ideas
Care Net McKinley Family Center

McKinley Family Center

Care Net Cold Spring

Cold Spring Center

Williamstown Barnes Road

Williamstown Center

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